Thursday, October 23, 2014

My compare and contrast summary.

 A narcotic is an opioid and doctors prescribe these to patients to treat pain. Opioids have taken away a scary amount of lives. An alternative to opioid is cannabis and there are eight medical conditions for which patients can use cannabis. while opioid and pain killers are preferred method of doctors today, there is now a rebirth of one of the oldest remedies in history.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

How to make hard choices  
The TED talk I watched was “How to make hard choices” by philosopher Ruth Chang. She tells a story about how she decided her career when she graduated from college. She had the choice of being a lawyer or a philosopher. How she chose her first career was based off job security. She chose being a lawyer but she said after awhile it wasn’t the job for her. She chose being a decision-making philosopher. Ruth just sits in a chair all day and thinks about how to tell others how to make a hard decision. But she says not all hard decisions are this big, they could be as small as what to eat for breakfast. The Author believes that what makes a choice hard is the way the alternatives relate.

The TED talk I watched was boring. It was dry and hard to watch for the entire duration. I had to read the interactive transcript, because it felt faster then to listen to her speak. It wasn’t really a good TED talk.