Wednesday, October 15, 2014

How to make hard choices  
The TED talk I watched was “How to make hard choices” by philosopher Ruth Chang. She tells a story about how she decided her career when she graduated from college. She had the choice of being a lawyer or a philosopher. How she chose her first career was based off job security. She chose being a lawyer but she said after awhile it wasn’t the job for her. She chose being a decision-making philosopher. Ruth just sits in a chair all day and thinks about how to tell others how to make a hard decision. But she says not all hard decisions are this big, they could be as small as what to eat for breakfast. The Author believes that what makes a choice hard is the way the alternatives relate.

The TED talk I watched was boring. It was dry and hard to watch for the entire duration. I had to read the interactive transcript, because it felt faster then to listen to her speak. It wasn’t really a good TED talk.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry you didn't like it. I hope you ultimately found one that was interesting...there are thousands to choose from!
